Yeahhhh. I love this so much. haha. Sorry kalau saya slalu tukar lagu. teehee :3 hahaha. Hey, my friend just had a new blog. Follow her. Don't worry she won't bite you and she's kind like me. teehee :3 *perasan* Okeyh? Here's the link. Oh ya, her name is Syaza Yasmin. :) k byee.
Heyyy yaww :)
Hey. happy weekends every bodehh. LOL'S. Hosanna is in my head now. Damn! I wanna go ER yesterday. Oh, ER means Easter Rally. yeahh. It is good. Urrhh! I'm sorry God cause' I'm not going but I worship you in my heart. That event are so awesome. Many people feel the testimony and I know Jesus was there blessing them. Great testimonial they have there. But, I'm a little bit jealous cause' some of my friends were going. hahaha. But, nevermind. I will attend the next event if have lah. I heard my Youth team had a concert this year. Oh yesss. May this concert truly have. Amen :) K byebye bloggers.
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Superbastic girl.
Lalalala :)
Today we were having two tests that were KT and PSK. PSK was easy but KT was hard. Nasib saya ingat sikit2. Hmmm. My friend, who was Vanessa Angeline, mad at one girl who was name KANG KANG. -.- yeahh. Nessa edited her name.I told her everything that KANG KANG w2w with Nessa's crush. Dia lalu manas. Okey. Now, my other friend, Kylie. She was in trouble also. Teacher took her diary book and read it. WHAT?! Teacher asked our class monitor to sent it to our discipline teacher. oh God. kesian Kylie. Her mom kenak panggil but I don't know when. By the way, I took some photos yesterday but malas saya mahu upload kan. Bubbye everyone.
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Superbastic girl.
Hari Ini punya cerita.
Today, we were spending in the class by doing our test -.- I hate that. Tadi musik saya main entam. Cikgu, smua not2 itu baru2. Macam mana saya mahu jawab? akaai. Nevermind. Moral was the awesome. All easy. Yeahh. After we finished our test, me and my other friends talking and talking. The class keep on shouting because kami buat bising. pakah? -.- cba tegor ajak. tok x main jerit. You all nganok2 kamek org sbb kamek org ckap and it was disturbing other class to study? HELLLOOOO, you're disturbing their study also by shouting. But, nevermind. I don't care. HAHA. I need to study for my next exam. gahh. Bye who reading this.
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Superbastic girl.
Thanksgiving and Youth Sunday.
Yesterday were our family thanksgiving. Best! All gathered at my house. We sang praises songs. Me and friends were having fun also yesterday. Pereyyy ku antam sidak orang. hahaha. Kami semua klakar psl laptop bru diberik oleh kerajaan. Best ! My sister got one. I never heard of COBY before. hurmm. But, nevermind.Today also great. I using dress today and you know what? They keep calling me girly. -.- thankyou oi! HAHA. And after finished church service, me and friends were doing ICE SHAKE. haha. best aiee. okey, I keep on saying best. lalala X) haha. Weekends are awesome to me.
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Superbastic girl.
Fun fun Fun :)
Yesterday were the great moments. Saya dan kawan saya mandi di WATERPARK@STAMPARK. uyeahh! :P
First, We went to Deanne's house for awhile. And then, we took our lunch at ntah apa nama. ngee B) When the clock was 2.30 p.m., we went there. YEAYY! Kami tidak sabar bahh. haha. Fun Fun Fun. When 4, our friends all panic because they must be at school before 4.30. damn. why don't you tell to your parents wait until 5. adoohh2. menyusah kan mak Deanne sahaja. Anyway, saya tidak panic because mak Deanne yang hantar. yahhoo! HAHA. ok that's all. Although we were tired, but we were having fun together bebeyh!
First, We went to Deanne's house for awhile. And then, we took our lunch at ntah apa nama. ngee B) When the clock was 2.30 p.m., we went there. YEAYY! Kami tidak sabar bahh. haha. Fun Fun Fun. When 4, our friends all panic because they must be at school before 4.30. damn. why don't you tell to your parents wait until 5. adoohh2. menyusah kan mak Deanne sahaja. Anyway, saya tidak panic because mak Deanne yang hantar. yahhoo! HAHA. ok that's all. Although we were tired, but we were having fun together bebeyh!
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Superbastic girl.
*New Song*
I put this song because it's all about friends. yeahh. I keep on crying because what just happened to my cat. aww :') how are you now, dearie? mesti kamu lapar kan? sorry dearie. terpaksa bah. aww :') I want my friends and my cat back ehh. God, don't you want to see me like this? ohh. I want them back so badly. I keep on repeating our memories with them and make me cry moreeeeeeeeeee. Don't you all understand my situation now? If you all don't want to forgive me, then nevermind. I know I am bad person and didn't understand you all feelings. kamu mahu saya nangis mcm ini ka smpai menyimpan rahsia daripada keluarga saya? mahu ka? tak apa. saya taknak teruskan begini.
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Superbastic girl.
Malang me.
hey blogger. I'm back with a sad face. This weeks are totally malang for me. First, I just lost my friends that I really care enough. Second, I just lost my cat that I really sayangssss. Mak saya tidak mahu kucing itu di dalam rumah jadi dia letak dkt tepi jalan. Semasa saya mahu melepaskan dia, saya ucapkan selamat tinggal kepada dia. Lepas itu saya menangis smpai mak saya tak sedar. And then, I goes in to the toilet taking bath for awhile. You know what am I doing inside? I'm crying and crying and I'm talking to myself like this. WHY AM I ? I LOST EVERYTHING. FIRST, I LOST MY OLD FRIENDS AND THEN I LOST MY OWN CAT. WHAT A DAY? OHH LORD, IF I MAKE A MISTAKE, PLEASE FORGIVE ME. I keep on crying until my mom said what am I doing in the toilet taking a long time. Today, I feel lonely. No one care me anymore. Now, I still crying because what did today have done. I want my old friends back and my own cat back. I reallt SAYANGSSS them you know! If they don't want to forgive, nevermind. The tears I can keep it in my heart.
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Superbastic girl.
Her ;')
hurrm. nya marah ngn aku? fiine. ku molah hal dolok. ku bodoo bh. ku x perfect kawan ngn kau. ku tauk cpa dipadah kazen kau ya. aku babi aku sial aku asshole. see? minta ampun ngn Tuhan mun ku mdh ku dikpun kedak tok. kawan ku ya nya PRETTY, PANDE and pande dlm everything. sumpah! Aku pande simple2 jak. I know nya moody tadik because kan aku. hati ku dh tauk. don't worry. x lmk gik xda ku ngn kau. kau x mok nangga aku gik. aku sial gila babi babun buntuk. ku slalu pray kan kawan kita supaya kawan kekal selamanya pi, kitak org xtauk. xpa lh. ku susah payah jak. buang air liur ku. nyaman ku pray untuk family ku jak. aku nganok kau masa ya because aku terkeluar kata2 ku. syaitan dh molah plan untuk buat kan aku jdi jahat kedak tok. dh pray2 alu hilang rasa benci aku ngn kau. sumpah2! okey. ku poser apa gik ko mok? anok aku lh. mbak kazen kau skalik. tumbok ku boleh juak. tampar aku boleh juak. balasan aku bh. spa suruh aku. ko mok anok ku sial ka apa ka? fine. ku xkesah. nitis air mata ku smpey ku prary untuk kitak org. tpi, akhirnya ku molah salah. kau mok jauh ari aku? finee. ku carik yg lain. k lh bye. ku xmok ngkah banyak gilak air mata ku tok.
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Superbastic girl.
I wants a new dress.
adooii. saya mahu beli dress bru bah but, no money. hahaha. tunggu bapak saya ada gaji saya beli baru. yeahh! In my mind, I wants to buy green or purple dress. It's look nice by the way. aduuhh. can't waitt. saya jeles when I look at people who wearing a nice dress. damn it -.-
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Superbastic girl.
Happy mommy's day
yeay. Hari ini hari ibu. Awal pagi saya sudah cium mommy saya. aww :') sweet oh? hahaha. anda ada? LOL'S. Today I bring up my mom to KING CENTER for makan-makan. yeahh. kami spon dia. hahahaha. Best tadi. Be jelly everyone? haha. Roses are red, violets are blue, I can't live without my mommy. awwwwwwwwww :') I make this poem just for my mommy yang tersayang.
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Superbastic girl.
Don't ignore your beauty :)
For those who say to you 'YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL', just except it. Just say you are ugly because God makes you perfect. k? I know people who say like that want to get attention more. Jangan nak pura-pura. Saya juga cantik bh. ngee :D so, remind that. :) Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
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Superbastic girl.
Boredom !
yadayadayada. I'm bored. Ini lah saya tak suka =.= I keep on rebloging stuffs on my TUMBLR. Plus, I keep on hearing the same song. yeahh. Oh, today! Make bored gone and make me have fun today. Adoii. Facebook hari ini pun boring sedikit. Chatlist saya tidak banyak hari ini. grrr ! I hope tomorrow no more boredom comes because i hate it. yadayadayada. byeeeeeee! :D
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Superbastic girl.
Yadayadayada =.=
Ok. I'm so upset with peeps. I told them to followed me but they didn't. I'm the only one who did the science project and I need idea for that. pffffffft -.- I just finished that damn project, you all happy. Nasib I still happy. Now, I want you guys give speech when the Science presentation later. HOPE YOU GUYS READ IT AND UNDERSTAND. THANKYOU !
The high temperature, Valerie </3
The high temperature, Valerie </3
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Superbastic girl.
He's change a lot.
oh friend. don't try to be stupid to change into bad persons. I know you just broke up with your girlfriend. don't just because you just broke up and you change? hello? You're servant of God. remember? please think. There are million of girls outside. If she hate you, let it be. Just act you don't care. If you still love her, so, take her back. If she don't want, let her go. She wants to be freedom. You should understand. I know feeling right now. Remember, you have your own family, friends and especially GOD ! Forget about your girlfriend now and continue your life and study. Perjalanan kamu masih panjang. gahh ! Although I'm not your BESTFRIEND, I still want to friend you. Ok. this person name BASIL CLIFTON. Byee blogger. 
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Superbastic girl.
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