Usagi Sailor Moon - Move Select


*New Song*

I put this song because it's all about friends. yeahh. I keep on crying because what just happened to my cat. aww :') how are you now, dearie? mesti kamu lapar kan? sorry dearie. terpaksa bah. aww :') I want my friends and my cat back ehh. God, don't you want to see me like this? ohh. I want them back so badly. I keep on repeating our memories with them and make me cry moreeeeeeeeeee.  Don't you all understand my situation now? If you all don't want to forgive me, then nevermind. I know I am bad person and didn't understand you all feelings. kamu mahu saya nangis mcm ini ka smpai menyimpan rahsia daripada keluarga saya? mahu ka? tak apa. saya taknak teruskan begini.