Usagi Sailor Moon - Move Select


Gawai Bah ! :)

Heyy from me. hahaha. sudah lama aku tidak update any blog XD Sorry yah. I am busy with GAWAI. nemu kitak gawai? It's a traditional celebration for Ibans people. Hahahaha. But this year Gawai kinda BORING. Not so lah. Bnyk org mabok ohhh. hahahaha. lelak ku mdk sidak. akai dai -.- But it's best best best. Today is saturday and I just went back to my home sweet home. ohh :( Sad bah sebab saya masih mahu disana. arrgghh. Btw, 2nd June is my birthday. I got many wishes in my first account in facebook and less people in my second facebook. pffstththththt -.- hahaha. Nyways, I hope you guys have fun. HAPPY GAWAI people \m/