Oh hello June. I am not gonna remember anything that is happening on May cause that month makes many problems. I hate you MAY. June, please respect me please? This month is my birthday. It's 2nd Of June but it's already past. I'm not celebrating it bah. :( But nevermind. I'm 12 YEAYYYYYYY.

Fun Fun Fun. hahaha. Hey you know what? Rebecca Black can't sing pffftt -.- But nevermind. I'm not a fan of her. Okey let's back to the topic of JUNE. Dear June, bring me happiness. Hahaha. End of the topic of JUNE. Now another one and it's NEW SONG. Oh I love this song very much. Lalalala~ Hey, the new Taylor Swift's new song called THE STORY OF US is kinda awesome. Later2, when I get bored of this song, I wanna put that song. Oh now about holidays. This holidays are so boring bah. But masa gawai best lah. :( Oh nevermind. OnWednesday, I'll watching a movie with my friends. I hope will be find. Talking about gawai, I tell the story what was happened. On the first of Gawai, it was good actually but the people were a little -.-' Save beers

LOL'S. The second of Gawai also good. There's many people came to my village. Many palau2 one yeahh! haha. I watched Rentap on that day. Oh yeah, Rentap was a Dayak's hero. Agik Idup, Agik Ngelaban! ahaha. All the ibans, Ulu and all dayak know him. The sad is, the movie was so embarrassing. The characters are all Malays one. They do not say 'NGIRUP' correctly. Blame to them.

nahhhh I don't mind. It is just a movie. :) hmmm now the third of gawai. The third was the AWESOME one. My mom was doing LAKSA and eating with siblings. YEAHH! hahaha. After eating, me, sis, brother and daddy went to a river to swam there. My cousins followed also. Its so fun fun fun fun. After swam, we were packing our stuffs cause we went back on the afternoon. Ohh. My heart was heavy that time because I still wanna stay there with grandma and grandpa :( awwww. haha. So that's is the story. GAHHH I'm tired of typing already. Byebye bloggers.